Gentle tooth filling Salisbury!
A tooth filling is a procedure that restores the tissue damaged by decay. We restore the original state by using fillings selected by the dentist. A contemporary filling technique, certified materials and innovative treatment equipment provides restoration of the anatomic shape and functionality of a tooth, even if it is 2/3 decayed. The filling imitates the natural tooth enamel taking account of colour, transparency and texture.
Tooth filling is necessary in case your tooth enamel is destroyed by decay. The teeth are commonly decayed when lacking proper oral hygiene, the patient smokes, eats sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods, or is genetically predisposed to dental diseases. Tooth filling is the most effective way to preserve the tooth and grant you a fresh breath.
White dental fillings Salisbury
A quality filling is not only about durability but also aesthetics. At Salisbury Dental Clinic, we painstakingly select the best filling materials as consistent with your tooth enamel. We restore its original shape and colour. Safe and sound, ever-lasting and beautiful – these are to describe dental filling service at Salisbury Dental Clinic!